Pvt. Halbert Adams was killed on October 6, 1918, while serving with the United States Army in France. More information on Pvt. Adams' death can be found at this site: http://archives.state.al.us/goldstar/images/card/Adams_Halbert.pdf.
Pvt. Tom Bagwell was killed on October 25, 1918, while serving with the United States Army in France. More information on Pvt. Bagwell's death can be found at this site: http://archives.state.al.us/goldstar/images/card/Bagwell_Tom.pdf. A photo of…
Pvt. Herman C. Bailey died on November 11, 1918, while serving with the United States Army in France. More information on Pvt. Bailey's death can be found at this site: http://archives.state.al.us/goldstar/images/card/Bailey_HermanC.pdf. A photo of…
Pvt. Oliver Barker died on December 30, 1918, while serving with the United States Army in France. More information on Pvt. Barker's death can be found at this site: http://archives.state.al.us/goldstar/images/card/Barker_Oliver.pdf
Pvt. Wash Beal died between March and November 1918, while serving with the United States Army at Fort Riley, Kansas. Record I, page 261 of the Hale County, Alabama Courthouse records shows a probate file that can also be found on Ancestry.com. More…
1Sgt. Edward P. Beck was killed on November 10, 1918, while serving with the 60th Infantry, 5th Division in France. More information Sgt. Beck can be found at this site: http://archives.state.al.us/goldstar/images/card/Beck_EdwardP.pdf. A photo of…
Sgt. George W. Bell was killed on September 12, 1918, while serving with the United States Army in France. More information on Sgt. Bell can be found at this site: http://archives.state.al.us/goldstar/images/card/Bell_GeorgeW.pdf.
Pvt. Dan W. Berry died on October 16, 1918, while serving with the United States Army in France. Pvt. Berry was the son of G.W. and Nancy Berry of Fayette. More information on Pvt. Berry's death can be found at this site:…
Pvt. Walter G. Bevill died on March 31, 1918, while serving with the United States Army at Camp Pike. Pvt. Bevill was a 1917 graduate of Alabama Polytechnic Institute at Auburn and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bevill. More information on the…
Pvt. Samuel J. Boozer was killed on September 12, 1918, while serving with the United States Army in France. More information on the death of Pvt. Boozer can be found at this site: http://archives.state.al.us/goldstar/images/card/Boozer_SamuelJ.pdf.…